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We Trust You(th) Problem Solving Community Recommendations

Check out below for the list of resources that have been developed by the We Trust You(th) Initiative team and fellow partners! A set of recommendations were compiled and collected based on the discussions held during the first We Trust You(th) Problem Solving Community workshop. They were developed to help youth focused donors and iNGOs take necessary steps to tackle the following: 

Workshop 1

Problem Tackled: Who is viewed as skilled

Those viewed as having “valuable skills” and “capacity” are often the least directly connected to young people or their communities. This is often due to power imbalances and prejudice that hurts our collective ability to improve young people’s lives.   


The Recommended Actions by the We Trust You(th) Initiative are as follows:

Workshop 1


Build donor and iNGO capacity to effectively serve young people and youth-led efforts.

Youth Experience Grounding Recommendations: 

It looks and feels different to work with partners that do have strong experience in working collaboratively with young people. For example…

Contracting between donorsiNGOs and their YLO grantees takes place in a fair and timely ma


Implement models of support that actually meet young people’s needs.

Youth Experience Grounding Recommendations: 

Models of support that are designed to really meet young people’s needs really look and feel different. For example…



Relationships and partnerships between youth-led efforts and iNGOs and donors largely remain surface level and informal, often putting young people in compromising situations.


Our hopeful outcomes are:

  • Donors and iNGOs to have a better understanding of what it means to be inclusive and equitable partners to youth-led organizations and efforts.

  • A recommended model of partnerships that can be mutually discussed and agreed upon through the lens of our respective institutions.

Problem Tackled: Surface level collaborations

Workshop 2

What are the experiences of youth partnering with donors/INGOs?

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In-Depth Collaborative Partnership Agreements with Youth:

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WTY High-Level Solutions for W2 (1).png

What are we looking for in youth - donor/iNGO partnerships?

We asked YOUth about #TheWayForward:

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RIP to the RFP (Rest In Peace to the Request for Proposal) - 

Hello collaborative relationships and “co-creation”

Under We Trust You(th), donors, iNGOs, and youth-led efforts came together to rethink the proposal development process. They aimed to identify ways to make it more collaborative and equitable, especially by using what is often described as a “co-creation process”. 


Together they acknowledged a fundamental problem: money moves in inequitable ways between donors, iNGOs, and YLOs. This is particularly evident during the typical proposal development process.


Our hopeful outcomes are:

  • Identify ways of making the proposal development process more collaborative and equitable, especially a more detailed co-creation process.

Worshop 3

So, what is our proposed action?

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Near Term adjustments donors and iNGOs can make
to get closer to genuinely co-creating proposals with youth;

*In Phase 2, We Trust You(th) intends to explore this reimagining more concretely with donors and iNGO partners. We will aim to create systems that allow young people to thrive. We Trust You(th) also seeks to create spaces for youth to work with youth, since they understand the issues and can create safer spaces that are relationship-driven. We plan to work collaboratively with donors and iNGOs to redesign the full process so it caters to young people’s needs. Please stay tuned for phase 2!

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